
Allt inom kraftsport


WAL ställer in finalerna

Posted by MAXstyrka 0 Comment

WAL, World Armwrestling League, har beslutat att ställa in årets finaler i Las Vegas. Anledningen ska ha med uteblivna sponsorer att göra. Meddelandet kom två veckor innan finalerna skulle äga rum, vilket innebär att många atleter och coacher sitter med egenbetalda flygbiljetter och hotellrum som inte kan avbokas.

Såhär säger WAL själva:

”WAL has made the difficult decision not to host the 2017 Championships. While we understand that this decision may come as a surprise to many of you, especially because it is close to the Championships, the reason for the timing is because we were actively negotiating several large critical partnerships that would have moved WAL and the sport forward in a substantial way. We wanted to give as much time as possible to accomplish this goal for the league and the sport but unfortunately, these deals didn’t get done in time, therefore we have made the difficult decision to cancel the 2017 Championships.”


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